Making our Dreams Come True using Ho'oponopono
Are you dreaming yet? Can you feel it? Are you excited? YAY!!! Feeling the passion and excitement is the first part of making your dreams a reality.
I have been thinking about the road blocks that come up and keep us from achieving our dreams. Sometimes we can become our own worse enemy. We are either running in circles, or too scared to move forward, or feelings of anger and resentment all prevent us from going after our dreams. All of those low vibrations that don't allow us to move forward. So let's talk about them for a minute.
Yesterday, I was asked if I had any secrets to removing those types of things. And I am going to tell you I do with an emphatic YES!! There are many tools I use but today I'm going to talk about one ancient Hawaiian healing modality called Ho'oponopono.

Simply it is the use of 4 powerful healing statements:
I'm Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You
I Love You
“Fable: When we're stuck in troubled feelings we believe that all our feelings are true-- that is to say, we believe that by our emotions at that moment we are making accurate judgments about what's happening. If I'm angry with you, I'm certain that you are making me angry.
Fact: Though we truly have these feelings, they are not necessarily true feelings. More likely I'm angry because I'm misusing you, not because you are misusing me.”
― C. Terry Warner, Bonds That Make Us Free: Healing Our Relationships, Coming to Ourselves
So to turn those feelings around we simply
1) Acknowledge that we have power to choose how we feel no matter what.
2) Apologize
3) Ask for forgiveness or Repent
4) Gratitude
5) Love
1) Acknowledge that we have power to choose how we feel no matter what. Wait!!!!....What do you mean? Life is hard and people do some pretty crappy things to us I have every right to feel angry, hurt or wronged. True you have the right to feel all those things. And sometimes it's probably an important step in healing. But to stay there and let them come up over and over again? CHOOSE OUT!!! OWN YOUR POWER! All you are doing is giving the very person you are angry with or who hurt you more power to continue hurting you, except they aren't hurting you. You are. So own your power.
2) Apologize. I know that sounds crazy! "Why should I apologize? I was the one wronged!" Apologize if for nothing else for giving them power to continue to keep hurting you. But you don't need to go into the why and whatfors. Trust me, the simple act of saying sorry brings peace.
3) Ask for forgiveness...Forgive me. It just takes you to a deeper place of peace and humility which allows you to feel grateful. Which is the next step. :)
4) Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance to learn, a chance to heal, a chance for peace, a chance for growth.
5) I love you. Simple. Straight forward. Saying I love you allows love to enter your heart which is the most powerful gift of all. The scriptures say "Perfect love casteth out all fear" and that perfect love becomes even greater when used on our enemies or those who have wronged us, even willfully.
Now heres the just say it to yourself. It's about loving yourself and then others. This doesn't need to be expressed verbally. It is powerful in your mind or to yourself. And Repeat as often and as much as needed.
Try it and feel the blocks be removed.
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