The World's Most Powerful Computer: Your Brain

Imagine having access to the world's most powerful computer.  This is the mainframe computer that generates happiness, wealth, relationships, ideas, tine, creativity, success, brilliant business plans, art.  Truly you would have access to any type of abundance you desire.  Imagine what that would feel like.  

What would it feel like to be in control of your life?  Your surroundings?  Your relationships?  Your success?

Guess what?  This isn't a hypothetical question.  It's real!  You do have access to the world's most powerful computer and it works every second of everyday just for you.  It is your brain.  

Think for a minute...what are the inputs and outputs of your brain.  This is evident in your thoughts.  It's evident in your actions.  It is evident in your surroundings and relationships.  

“Achievement, of whatever kind, is the crown of effort, the diadem of thought. By the aid of self-control, resolution, purity, righteousness, and well-directed thought a man ascends; by the aid of animality, indolence, impurity, corruption, and confusion of thought a man descends.”
Excerpt From: James Allen. “As a Man Thinketh.” James Allen, 2012. Apple Books.

Let me explain.  Just like a computer, your brain does nothing except receive data input, calculate it for our highest good and stores it away for a time when it is needed.  From the time you were born this marvelous computer has been working away with the sole purpose of creating a safe, healthy and even prosperous life for you.  

However, like any computer, sometimes the data it receives is misconstrued.  Sometimes what is intended for our highest good is actually malware.  And it hacks into this beautiful system and what do you get?  A systemic virus.  Sometimes, it is shown in little things, or sometimes it completely takes over and shuts down the function of the hardware device, your body.  

So is that it?  Are we just stuck with this malware?  And it seems that malware begets malware.  And more and more diagnostic issues rise to the service.  Seemingly insurmountable.  

WRONG!  The amazing thing is you do have control of this!  No, really, I promise.  

Now, it's not always an easy process.  Ok actually it's never an easy process but...Sometimes, you need to defragment a computer, clean it up.  Other tines you need a complete reprogramming.  But guess what?  YES!  That is possible with your brain as well.  

How do we do that?  Where do we even begin?

Well, simply, it begins with a reprogramming of your thoughts.  

This is work.  That's why I say it's not easy.  You have to really become consciously aware of the thought patterns you are using.  

If you find a negative thought process you must catch it.  Stop it right there and change the thought.  

Here's what I mean:  

I have recently gained some weight.  It is super frustrating for me.  I will look at myself in the mirror and I catch myself thinking.  "Oh you look horrible", "how could your husband love you like this" "you teach and coach life change and look at yourself", "I'm not good enough", "There's something wrong with me".  

Oh yuck!  Those are icky thoughts and the sad thing is I could go on for a while with these kind of thought patterns.  

So what do you think?  Are those helping my condition?  Are those thoughts serving me in anyway?  

Well, at some subconscious level I must have a programming that makes it seem like they would.  But are they really truly serving my highest good?

Absolutely not!  They will just continue to generate feelings and dis-ease about my broken state.  Which will keep me stuck in the condition and make me feel like change is impossible.

But if I stop mid thought and say "I am so grateful for my beautiful body", "I love myself unconditionally", "I have so much to give","I am grateful for all of my learnings and growth", "It is safe for me to love myself", "I am more than enough", "I love myself just the way I am., completely and unconditionally".

And now, I am in a MINDSET for change.  I'm ok if I change or if I don't it doesn't matter, because I love myself no matter what.  And that makes all the difference.  

That is the power of affirmations.  They are  powerful tools in reprogramming the brain.  

Your thoughts are the key to life's circumstances. And you have the power to change them.  We don't always have the control around what comes at us, but we do always have control of our thoughts and reactions to them.  

What do you want?  What are your desires?  Your thoughts are the train that will help you arrive there.

Stop, visualize that desire.  How does it feel?  Sit in that thought, in that feeling.  

“He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it”

Excerpt From: James Allen. “As a Man Thinketh.” James Allen, 2012. Apple Books.

Isn't it wonderful how powerful we are?  


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