Musings on the Law of Abundance
Have you ever felt like you were on a hamster wheel just running and running going nowhere?
Now, don't get me wrong. I have had some huge blessings and success in my life. But there are some key things that seem to keep eluding me and it almost seems like the more understanding I have and even more opportunities I'm given, the more I can't make ends meet.
I have been actively studying the "Law of Attraction" for years. Like most people who engage in that study I started that path from a place of desperation.
My marriage was falling apart. My husband at the time had made some choices that were devastating to our family. We were relying on my in-laws for constant financial help.
Honestly? I just wanted control of my life. I wanted to be loved and appreciated for me, in spite of my weaknesses. I wanted to have enough income coming in so that I could be totally self reliant.
So... I dove in. I started the Ultimate Success Masterclass with MindMovies and my life started to change.
I was led to study and get certified in the SimplyHealed energy modality. I realized that more than anything I wanted to help people discover and live their passions and life purpose.
I ended up getting a divorce. Moving with my children. Starting a business with SimplyHealed, now using it as a part of my transformational life coach/Manifestation facilitator/Energy practitioner studio and online Wellness & Arts Spa Meeting an amazing man. Moving again. Getting married.
Then at the beginning of this year, I decided I wanted to really become more enlightened and influence more people.
As I've done that, doors have opened and doors have closed.
Honestly, COVID-19 hit my family hard financially. Yet, I have felt this call with-in me that no obstacle is too large to keep us from living a fully abundant life. I teach it often. But something has been calling me to live it more fully.
So that brings me to my musings of late.
Here are the basics of the law of abundance, a good part of which is the law of attraction.
1) Raise your vibration
2) Know what you want
3) Visualize it
4) Write it down (be clear and specific)
5) Let it go. Don't worry about it. TRUST
So part of my learning since I shared in my previous blog about "Car Crash in Answer to a Prayer", is really in that step 5 part.
How much do you keep visualizing? How much to you keep praying about it? Do you weary the Lord? you trust that God wants great things for you? Do you trust that, as Leslie Householder says, "what you want wants you"?
I was musing over these questions today when this scripture came to my mind:
Old Testament
22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee
God wants to give all of our honest desires. He wants us to succeed in living our passions and purpose. He wants to bless our families with abundance.
"Man is that he might have joy". So is it really that easy?
Do we just cast our burden upon the Lord and trust that he shall sustain us? We fill our thoughts with what we want not with fear and doubt. We lay our fears and doubts and needs and wants all at the Lord's feet. Then just trust. Move forward, listen for answers.
As I was fretting this morning. And when I fret, I fret good. Lol...
My husband said to me, "the solutions just haven't presented themselves yet".
So I go on, I work, I play, I love and I listen, wait and watch for the solutions to present themselves.
Sometimes it'll be like trumpets and other times soft and simple. Nevertheless, the desires of my heart and mind will be fulfilled.
I can't wait to share with you more of the miracles as they present themselves!
When you take a problem to the lord, have you done everything in your power to get an answer to the problem, write on a paper what I have I done on one side and on the other what do I want Heavenly Father to help me with, Xbox that way you can see where you stand, by the way have you paid a full tithing? If not please start, if you have started don't stop keep going,